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General medicine (Specialist's degree programme)


Our Institute has been training students in the direction of "General medicine" since 2019.

"General medicine" is one of the most popular medical specialties. It is also a necessary basis for obtaining postgraduate special education in residency, i.e. you first need to get a diploma of a "general practitioner" to realize yourself in most medical specialties.

Lobachevsky University has high-tech theoretical, experimental and clinical bases for training high-level doctors, taking into account the best world practices and innovative trends. So, for the implementation of the program of training highly qualified personnel in this medical specialty of the N.I.Lobachevsky National Medical University, agreements were concluded on the organization of practical training of students with the leading medical institutions of the city. In addition, in 2018, Lobachevsky University opened a simulation center where students will be able to master modern manual methods of treatment, as well as improve their knowledge, skills and abilities on high-tech simulators to meet the high requirements for a doctor of modern times.

A distinctive feature of our educational programs is a rational combination of the best classical Russian forms of education and generally accepted educational technologies, aimed at the development of medical judgment..

The biggest challenges of our time are connected with medicine, the development of new approaches to the treatment and prevention of diseases, the transition of modern medicine from the paradigm of "we treat" to the concept of "we predict and prevent".

The development of molecular genetic methods creates opportunities for solving the most complex problems and creating fundamentally new approaches to the treatment of pathologies of various origins. This obliges us to look at ourselves and medicine in a completely new way. A healthy future is a generation of doctors with new thinking and a new attitude to the patient.

After successful completion of the specialist's degree programme, our graduate will be able to work as a district internist and after completing the residency in accordance with the chosen specialty – surgeon, obstetrician-gynecologist, neuropathologist, cardiologist, etc.


Enrollment status on-campus education

Programme duration - 6 years

Exams required for admission:

  1. Сhemistry;
  2. Biology;
  3. Russian language.


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